Turning Disappointments Into Opportunities

by Julie

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

We have all experienced moments, even seasons of disappointment. When our expectations are not met it’s hard and it hurts. When everything doesn’t go as we planned we feel disappointed.

We all do it. We dream up the way we think things should happen. We are let down when we get a new job and it doesn’t turn out to be everything we hoped for. When someone close to us hurts us it’s upsetting. When our life looks nothing like we thought it would that can be very discouraging.

One thing I learned about disappointment is that it usually comes when I didn’t allow God much say in the situation. I find the most disappointment comes when we don’t invite God into our plans. When we do this we operate out of what we want and that welcomes discouragement. Rather than allowing disappointment to become a pattern, we can move past it.

We can turn our disappointments into opportunities.

  • Look at that job.  Take the opportunity to thank the Lord for the His provision and the people you work with. Then watch and take notice how remaining thankful will transform your job.
  • Look at that relationship that is hurting and invite the Lord to give you His perspective. Allow Him to work in your heart for that person. Watch what He does and expect Him to move.
  • Look at your life. When things don’t line up the way you wanted them to you have the opportunity to trust and know that God is doing something amazing in your life. Know that it’s His pleasure to give you the desires of your heart.

Where are you disappointed today? What are the places in your life do you need to remain thankful? Where do you need to seek the Lord’s perspective? Where do you need to just trust and know that God is working?

God is a God of restoration. It’s on His heart to restore joy and hope back to you.